I had a conversation with my mother last week and she thinks I need to go to Anger Management classes, now im generally a pretty relaxed (high) person so the anger doesnt come on too frequently but its there. By trying to be good to myself and my lungs ive been trying to cut down on the smoking of the cheebs for a while, i thought I was doing fucking brilliantly until i realised two things, firstly; I was drinking at least a bottle of wine to myself a night and secondly; im fucking angry again, like really angry, like want to walk down the street with my arms as windmills and hit whoever gets in my way angry.
When mother dearest told me she thought I should 'talk it out' with someone of the professional variety i asked her exactly why she thought i should be doing that, her reply: "its that dealy calm voice you're using right now that scares the shit out of me". I then told her I would talk to her about it when I returned to Perth... I doubt she's going to pick me up from the airport now.
I should really learn to me a better daughter but i dont see how thats going to happen now, im too old to change my personality so im fucking stuck with it and so are all of you.
Happy mothers day for Sunday mum!