Get To Know Me Better, because I don't over-share already...
Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? Either Istanbul or somewhere tropical... not too picky
Which animal do you feel you would be? A cat... in training already
Who would you want to act in your movie? Hmmm Kristen Stewart, I think that's punching above my weight though
Who would you want to meet if you could meet anyone? e. e. cummings
If you could time travel, which time would you go to? The 50's
What superpower would you want if you could have one? Teleportation
Which celebrity do you have the biggest crush on? Kristen Stewart, she's a total babe
What color would you be? Purple
What song represents your life? Fuck, no idea... couldn't I have a soundtrack instead of just one song?
If you could be on a TV show which would it be? Sons of Anarchy
Which celebrity represents your fashion sense? Chloe Seviney (sp?) maybe
If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called? Dazed & Confused... obviously that's been taken but whatevs
If you got a tattoo, what would it be of? I have them, I'm getting more.
Which accomplishment are you most proud of? Being blessed to do what I love, hopefully I can make this a full time thing!
What car best represents you? A mustang, I don't know why, I just like them the best
If you could resurrect one person, who would it be? I wouldn't, things are the way they are meant to be no matter how upsetting
What is your favorite music video? I have a lot of them but i'm throwing down Robert Palmer
If you were on MTV’s Made, what would you ask to be? A circus performer
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? I don't do anything crazy
Which childhood memory do you miss the most? All of them