OK so lately I've just been posting pretty pictures I've seen or found BUT I'm going to keep my shit together and start posting food and recipes and restaurants again. Mostly the reason for this is I have decided that some needs to let me travel around the world eating amazing food and I in turn could do a show or books or SOMETHING for you... That's the dream, and I don't really think it's too much to ask.
Current food obsessions: Pork (obviously), Cavolo Nero, 2 minute noodles, anything dessert related.
Eating establishments frequented: Proud Mary, Victoria Street, The Gem, Houndstooth.
Best cook in the world (that I have had the pleasure of meeting/living with: Kirsty Smith
I'm going to try really hard at this and try to do proper updates etc.
That doesn't say alot because I'm lazy.
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